Hurray, we are VCA** certified!

After a period of preparation, under the excellent guidance of BTCONSUL, followed by a number of audits, we are now VCA** certified. The VCA** certificate shows that our organisation meets current requirements in the field of health, safety and environment. And we are proud of that!

The basis for safely and healthy working

With a VCA certificate, you, as an organisation, lay the groundwork to provide a safe and healthy work environment every day. Our employees often work at separate and highly variable work locations with various techniques that involve many risks. We consider VCA certification very important to guarantee safety and reduce the number of accidents. Not only we, but also our clients, like to see that occupational health and safety risks in the workplace are kept to a minimum. The VCA** certificate shows that we as an organisation are committed to this. It shows that our employees are self-aware of the risks of their profession, know what precautions to take and know how to act in an emergency. This boosts confidence. In addition, all our employees individually hold a VCA certification in their pocket. Because safety… you can always make better and that is what matters!