Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement has last been updated on 30-05-2022.

Infratech Telecommunicatie B.V. (hereafter: Infratech) respects the privacy of its customers and applicants and is also aware that you place your trust in us. We therefore see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy and ensure that the personal information you provide us, is treated confidentially.

This Privacy Statement outlines what personal data may be processed and the purpose in which the personal data may be used for. This also applies if you visit and use the website of Infratech.

Article 1 – Who is Infratech Telecommunicatie B.V.?

Infratech Telecommunicatie B.V. is a company located in Hoorn and registered in the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce Alkmaar under number 37107265.

Article 2 – Personal data

Personal data is information about an identified or identifiable person, but also information such as IP addresses, on which links a user of the website has clicked, and how long a user has been on a certain page of the website. Special legal requirements are attached to the processing of personal data.

Our website or services do not have the intention to collect special or sensitive personal data.

Article 3 – Automated decision making

Infratech does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people. This concerns decisions that are made by computer programs or systems, without involving a person (for example an employee of Infratech).

Article 4 – Collection and processing of personal data

4.1 Infratech may process the following personal data if you:

  1. Make a purchase or use our services;
  2. Register for an event, training or any other activity that we offer;
  3. Sign up for our newsletter;
  4. Fill in a form for a service or information request or request for us to contact you;
  5. Apply for a job with us.

4.2 Infratech may collect the following personal data:

  • First name and surname
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Location address
  • Phone and mobile number
  • Email address
  • Function
  • Bank details and account number(s)
  • Chamber of Commerce number
  • VAT number
  • Emails and any other messages that you send us
  • Information collected in connection with the use of our website, such as IP addressess and click behaviour
  • Infratech may also collect the following from an applicant: 

Curriculum Vitae (CV), marital status, nationality, information about availability/holiday, information about training/education that you have followed, content that you have used to introduce yourself on a voluntary basis (photo, video), other information that is or may be important in the context of assessing the suitability of you as a candidate (for example references and certificates)

4.3 Infratech processes your personal data on the basis of permission, execution of an agreement, legal obligation and legitimate interest. The processing of this data serves the following purposes:

  1. Offer, improve or maintain our services to you;
  2. Process your payment;
  3. Register you to participate in a training, an event or any other activity on behalf of and for Infratech;
  4. Send our newsletter to you;
  5. Optimize our website;
  6. Process an application and/or request from you;
  7. Online screening for the application procedure;
  8. Communicate with you about the progress of the application procedure, the assessment of your suitability for a position that is or may become vacant.
Article 5 – Storage of personal data

Infratech keeps your personal data carefully on its own secure servers or on those of a third party in Europe. Your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which your personal data is collected. We keep your personal data as long as you are a customer and seven (7) years after that.

Infratech will delete application data no later than four (4) weeks after the end of the application process, unless you give us permission to keep your data longer. For example, there may be a suitable position for the applicant at a later date, we will keep the data for a maximum of one (1) year after the end of the application process.

Article 6 – Security of personal data

Infratech has taken adequate technical and organizational measures to secure your data against loss or any form of unlawful processing. If you have the impression that your personal data is not secure or there are indications of abuse, please contact us immediately.

Article 7 – Cookies

Via our website ( Infratech can use cookies. This saves information, in the form of a text file, on the hard disk of your device. In order for our website to work optimally, automatically generated information about your use of our website is collected and processed by means of cookies. Cookies are used to deliver our website in a user-friendly manner or to obtain information about the quality or effectiveness of our website. The optimization of the services includes technical adjustments, for example the good display of pages and the security of our website. The information that is collected consists of the type of device (computer, mobile, tablet) you use, your IP address (number of your device that makes it possible to recognize your device), the type of browser, the operating system you use, and the pages you visit on our website and the items you view. In addition, we keep track of log-in data and selected values ​​for the host name associated with the IP address. Please consult our Cookie Policy for more information.

Article 8 – Third parties

Infratech will not provide your personal data to third parties and will only provide it if this is necessary for the execution of its agreement or unless you have given explicit permission for this. Infratech can engage third parties to outsource its work and marketing activities. These third parties process your personal data exclusively on behalf of and for (the purposes of) Infratech. These third parties will be bound by privacy conditions that are included in a processor agreement. Finally, Infratech will only provide your personal data to third parties if Infratech is required to do so on the basis of laws and/or regulations, it is obliged to do so as a result of a legal case and/or in case it is necessary to protect its own rights.

Article 9 – Hyperlinks of third parties

Our website ( may contain hyperlinks by which you can leave the website of Infratech and end up on the website of another party. Infratech has no control over services and/or websites of third parties to which is linked. It may therefore be the case that a different privacy statement applies to these services and/or websites of third parties. This Privacy Statement only applies to (personal) data collected and processed by Infratech. Infratech does not accept any responsibility or liability for (the operation and/or content of) services and/or website of other parties.

Article 10 – Rights of parties involved

You have the right to view, correct or delete your personal data. You also have the right to withdraw your consent or object to the processing of your personal data. In case of a request for the removal of personal data, we are compliant to do so unless there is a legal obligation or other valid reasons for the data to be kept. You can send your request or objection by email to or by mail to Infratech Telecommunicatie B.V., Attn. Personal data, De Corantijn 8, 1689 AP, Zwaag. To prevent abuse, we ask you to send a copy of your ID with the request. Please make sure to put a black line through your passport photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the passport), passport number and citizen service number (BSN). This is to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request in writing within four (4) weeks. If your request is rejected, we will notify you via email with an explanation why.

If you do not want to receive any more email messages from Infratech, you can indicate this by sending an email to, Attn. Unsubscribe newsletters. You can also unsubscribe at any time for emails that Infratech sends by means of an unsubscribe link.

We would also like to point out that you have the opportunity to file a complaint with the national supervisory authority, the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Article 11 – Data leaks protocol

Infratech takes measures related to the prevention of data leaks. This includes digital and analogue security measures on our infrastructure, careful selection of processors, contractual agreements and continuously training of employees. In addition, there are also procedures available for the steps that have to be taken during a data breach. This ensures that quick and effective action can be taken to limit the damage as much as possible. The highest priority after discovering a data breach is closing the leak.

If we are the controller and we are legally obliged to do so, we will report to the Dutch Data Protection Authority unless it is unlikely that the personal data breach poses a risk for those involved. If we are the controller and the data breach is likely to pose a high risk for the privacy of parties involved, we also inform those involved.

There is no need to report if:

  • The personal data have been made incomprehensible to unauthorized persons, because, for example, encryption has been applied;
  • Infratech has taken protective measures that will lead to the high risk of the data breach unlikely to occur;
  • The report requires disproportionate effort on the part of the persons concerned. In that case, we will make a public announcement or similar effective notification of the data breach.

In case we are processors, we will inform you as a customer about the data breach, so that you can comply with the legal obligations. We inform you in principle via email.

Article 12 – Contact and feedback

Infratech regularly checks whether it complies with this Privacy Statement. If you have any questions about this Privacy Statement, you can contact us via phone number +31(0)229-215543, by email ( or by post (Infratech Telecommunicatie B.V., Attn. Personal data, De Corantijn 8, 1689 AP, Zwaag). These contact details also apply to requests to exercise the rights of data subjects.

Physical address: De Corantijn 8, 1689 AP in Zwaag, the Netherlands

Article 13 – Changes of the Privacy Statement

Infratech reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement, without prior notification. Changes will be announced on our website ( along the latest modification date. Changes will take effect immediately. We advise you to consult this Privacy Statement regularly in order to be informed of any changes. By continuing to use our services, you agree to any changes of the Privacy Statement.